Institutes of Ministry Leadership
Our Institute of Ministry Leadership cohorts aim to equip several groups of learners and leaders: those considering ordination, those already serving in ministry, AND anyone interested in learning more about Jesus, the Bible, the church, and living faithfully in our present context. The ten courses that can be completed in a two-year cycle focus on interpreting Scripture, theology, developing ministry skills, personal spiritual formation, and cultural engagement.
Each course is 8 weeks long with in-person class discussions typically every other week for 3 hours. They are participatory in style and less formal than traditional school settings. In between the times together, learners engage with readings and other resources online. This pace enables sustainable involvement in ministry and in the learning cohort.
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Zeeland – Tuesdays
Kalamazoo – Thursdays
Fifth – Tuesdsays
Madison – Wednesdays
$500 per individual per course
(5+ learners per church is one cost)
Next Steps
See the upcoming schedule and register using the links above
Connect with us for more information
Hear from Institute of Ministry Leadership Participants
“We’ve benefitted immensely from the coursework created and delivered by The Foundry because it’s fully focused on helping a leader develop his or her head knowledge and then apply it to how it might be utilized in ministry.”
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is a relationship of soul care. In a world of ambiguity and distraction, we need those who will come alongside and hold silence for our spirits to rest and revive. Those who long to go deeper in their faith will find a sacred space of time and structure to engage in spiritual disciplines of listening, confession, worship, hearing Scripture or speaking with Jesus.
Next Steps
Connect with us to schedule an introductory meeting to investigate if spiritual direction is appropriate for you now and if Sarah is the person with whom you would like to engage.
Hear from Pastors Participating in a Learning Community
“I’m so grateful for what The Foundry is doing and the space to talk about hard things with other pastors. … This has helped prepared me for exact moments in life and ministry.”
Hear from Church Leaders Training Participants
“This was so well done and helpful! The best part was the presentation itself and group discussion with the thought-provoking discussion questions. ”
Customized Workshops
The Foundry provides leadership training for pastors, church leaders, congregations, and broader networks. In consultation with key leaders, we design interactive workshops that focus on specific areas of ministry. This has included elder and deacon training, biblical and theological knowledge, spiritual disciplines, how faith shapes our approach to contemporary cultural issues. See examples of workshops we have led previously. Connect for a consultation regarding training customized for your church or network.
Next Steps
Connect with us to learn more about creating a custom training for your church, ministry, or a group of peers.